BE-Basic Foundation currently has over 50 partners. Our R&D programmes include over 80 research projects, which are coordinated into 12 flagships. Here is a selection of notable results from BE-Basic’s technological developments and projects (in no specific order).
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This concrete is based on bacteria that produce calcite to repair cracks and prolong the life of the concrete structure. It was first developed by a team of partners from Delft University of Technology. BE-Basic supports the development into a fully-fledged product. Three new products are to be launched on the market in 2015: self-healing concrete, repair mortar and a liquid repair variant.
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A research team of NIOO-KNAW discovered new mixed cultures with an optimal activity profile and low toxicity that are used to look for novel antibiotics instead of mono cultures. Instead of identifying new antibiotics by testing various single microbial strains in axenic cultures, the ecology-based method of nature mining opens up a richer pallet of mixed cultures in which bioactive compounds are found with optimal activity profile and low toxicity. This is especially interesting because certain antimicrobial compounds can only grow in combination with other microorganisms.
BioDetection Systems and Amsterdam’s VU University developed CALUX screening systems. This provides a new way of bioanalysis, e.g. biomass for safety and quality assessment, waste products and biobased materials without using animals. More information:
Researchers from Delft University of Technology, DSM and Synthon develop a software tool to optimise the purification of complex fermentation processes. The method is now being fine-tuned in case studies and a software tool has been produced that can be used by the various partners. The method is now being fine-tuned in industrial case studies and a software tool has been produced that is used by the various industry partners, and will be marketed through Delft University of Technology spin-out Marlin BV.
The FDCA (2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid) process makes it possible to produce alternatives to the standard PET bottle and other plastic packaging. In addition, PEF based on FDCA provides better protection of the plastic polymers and makes it last longer. PEF is now developed worldwide by lactic acid market leader Corbion. More information:
Delft University of technology-starter DAB BV (Delft Advanced Biorenewables) is scaling-up its proprietary DIRC-technology with the Bioprocess Pilot Facility and Delft University of Technology for the in-situ recovery of phase seperating fermentation products, ranging from specialty to bulk/fuel products, targeting sustantial cost reduction and improved operational control. More information:
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